A wellness workshop created with you in mind. Learn how to feel your best - even when you have limited time. So you can be a priority again.
Perfect timing for anyone who felt like Mother's Day was a bust -- aka, it didn't give you the rejuvenation that you hoped it would.
Join us for some true self-care at this Holistic Wellness Workshop for Parents.
We'll stretch and lounge as we chat about how the eff to take care of your physical self while being so focused on allll the other things (ahem, growing and raising small humans while also adulting full time).
Hi! It's me, Beth 😊.
I'm a registered dietitian nutritionist, women's fitness specialist and East Passyunk based mama to a 5 and 2 year old. Every day in my business I help people figure out how to take care of themselves while also growing and/or raising small humans. I am so excited to bring this workshop to you at South Philly Community Acupuncture.
What will happen at this workshop:
In a nutshell, you'll leave with strategies for a do-able food & fitness routine so you can feel your best (and have energy to keep up with all.the.things that your kids, house, work, family and LIFE need from you!)
Light Stretching. You'll learn how to stretch and strengthen your body for the demands of daily life. We'll practice some light stretching and other body movements.
Nutrition Conversation. We'll discuss nutrition strategies that will give you more energy and less stress.
Probably More Stretching. Because it hurts to sit for too long.
Meal Planning Action. Together we'll brainstorm meal and snack ideas and I'll help you make a grocery list.
We'll have time for questions and conversations throughout.
You'll leave with:
Something useful: A personalized grocery list and meal/snack ideas that you actually enjoy eating and are capable of making.
A body that feels great: Because you practiced sitting and stretching to reduce pain and stiffness.
New friends!? This is my absolute favorite thing about leading group sessions for parents. There is something truly magical about connecting with other people (IRL!) who are sharing the same daily struggles as you. You'll leave this session feeling seen, understood and supported.
Before the workshop:
If you have any burning questions please send me an email before the workshop so I can be ready with your answer! beth@bewellwithbethphl.com Th
Learn more about how Beth can help you feel your best during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond:
Date and time
Monday, May 15 · 7:15 - 8:30pm
South Philadelphia Community Acupuncture 1532 East Passyunk Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19147